
My Footprints in Ghana’s Black Gold

My Footprints in Ghana’s Black Gold

Dr Ofori Quaah

  • Category - Biographies
  • Year Published - 2024


Growing up in 1950s Ghana, becoming a policeman was never on my list of dreams. My childhood fear of the police was deeply rooted in a tragic family incident that left an indelible mark on me. Despite these early fears, my life's journey took me to unexpected places, culminating in a significant role in Ghana's oil exploration and the founding of the Ghana National Petroleum Corporation.

In this memoir, I recount the challenges, triumphs, and key figures that influenced my career and spiritual journey. From navigating political landscapes to pioneering major exploration projects, my story is one of perseverance, faith, and dedication. This book also addresses the misconceptions about Ghana's oil potential and highlights the importance of integrity and hard work in achieving success.

For future generations, this memoir offers a glimpse into the complexities of oil exploration in Ghana and a testament to the power of resilience and divine grace. Join me as I reflect on my life's path, from a fearful child to a leader in Ghana's oil industry.


Dr Amos Ofori Quaah is a retired Geophysicist and accredited Lay Preacher of the Methodist Church Ghana and England. A graduate of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana, The Pennsylvania State University, USA and Royal Holloway University, University of University of London. He began work as a Geophysicist with Phillips Petroleum Company, Europe-Africa in London, then the Petroleum Department of the Ghana Supply commission, which later became the Ghana National Petroleum Corporation (GNPC).

He has also worked on ground water prospecting, and served on the National Commission of the UNESCO Law of the Sea Conference as well as serving on the Ghana-Ivory Coast Border Commission for several years.

From his background in seismology, Dr Ofori Quaah first served on the Technical Committee of the Accra Metropolitan Authority (AMA) and later, on two Sub-Committees of the National Disaster Management Organisation, Chairing the Sub-Committee on Natural Disasters for several years, from the inception of the Organisation.

A keen writer, he was a member of the Editorial Board of The Sentinel, the official magazine of the North Accra Circuit of the Methodist Church Ghana, contributing regularly on environmental issues for over a decade after the magazine was revamped from a Society periodical to a Circuit magazine in 1994 under the Chairmanship of the late distinguished Lawyer B A Yankson. Even after he moved back to the UK to join his family, he continued to write for the magazine when it became a Connexional magazine under Mr PE Paintsil.

Back in the UK, he worked first for an Environmental Business Management Charity and then returned to the oil industry for several years until he retired in 2013.

In retirement, he has dedicated his time to the Church of Christ, the nurture of his two granddaughters and a pet project of establishing a library for his old Primary and Middle (now Junior Secondary) Schools in Ghana, to which he has so far contributed over 1,500 reference and reading books, sports equipment, personal computers and laptops. As shown in the impressive results of last year’s Basic Education Certificate Examinations (BECE) results, the project has already begun to yield results.

He currently lives in England, but spends one month every year with his nonagenarian mother in Ghana until she died late 2019. He intends to continue to visit relations and fiends and to monitor and promote his evangelism and education projects in Ghana.